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2024-09-08 The Ethic Of Love

Title: The Transforming Power of Brotherly Love

Have you ever wondered how to truly love others in a way that transforms both your life and theirs? You’re not alone. Many of us struggle with understanding what genuine love looks like in our daily lives. In a recent sermon, we explored the essence, expectations, and effectiveness of brotherly love as taught by the Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12. Let’s dive into how you can apply these timeless principles to your life and experience the transformative power of love.

The Essence of Our Love

Paul begins by affirming the Thessalonians for their brotherly love, a love that is both simple and complex. He uses two Greek words for love: phileo (brotherly love) and agape (selfless, sacrificial love). These words, though different, are used synonymously in the New Testament to describe the love we should have for one another.

You are taught by God to love one another. This teaching comes from the teachings of Jesus, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the gospel itself. Remember John 13:34-35, where Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us. This love is not just a past lesson but an ongoing education. God continually teaches us how to love more deeply and genuinely.

The Expectations of Our Love

Paul outlines four actions that should be present in our love for one another:

  1. Grow in Love Even More: If you’re already practicing brotherly love, fantastic! But don’t stop there. Look for more opportunities to love others. Be more intentional with your time, talents, and treasures.

  2. Lead a Quiet Life: Aim to live quietly and humbly. Avoid being a self-promoter or an agitator. In a world full of loud influencers, your quiet, humble life can be a powerful testimony.

  3. Mind Your Own Business: Stay out of other people’s affairs. Gossiping and meddling are unloving and can tear apart the fabric of any community. Instead, focus on your own responsibilities and how you can serve others.

  4. Work with Your Own Hands: Be self-sufficient and hardworking. It’s unloving to rely on others’ generosity when you have the ability to work. Your hard work not only provides for your needs but also frees up resources to help those who genuinely need it.

The Effectiveness of Our Love

Why should we love this way? Paul gives two compelling reasons:

  1. Behave Properly in the Presence of Outsiders: Non-believers are watching how we treat each other. Our love for one another can be a powerful evangelistic tool. Jesus said in John 13:35, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

  2. Not Be Dependent on Anyone: Depend on God for your needs, not on others. This builds your faith and allows the church to help those who truly need it.


The essence of our love is rooted in the love we have received from God through Jesus Christ. The expectations of our love call us to grow, live quietly, mind our own business, and work hard. The effectiveness of our love can be evangelistic, showing the world the transformative power of the gospel.

So, what will you do this week to show brotherly love? Will you seek out new ways to love others more deeply? Will you strive to live a quiet, humble life? Will you focus on your own responsibilities and work hard to be self-sufficient? Remember, your love for others can point them to Jesus.


Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching us how to love through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to grow in our love for one another, to live quietly and humbly, to mind our own business, and to work hard. May our love be a testimony to the world of Your transforming power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Posted by David Hopkins with

2024-09-01 S*X AND THE GOSPEL

Embracing Sexual Purity in a Highly Sexualized Culture

You might wonder why we need to talk about sexual purity in today's world. The truth is, our culture is saturated with messages that often contradict God's design for sexuality. If you're like most people, you've probably faced temptations and challenges in this area. But here's the good news: Jesus offers a way out and a path to purity. Let's dive into what the Bible says about sexual purity and how you can live it out in your daily life.

Understanding God's Will for Sexual Purity

The main point of our sermon is clear: God calls us to live in sexual purity. This isn't just a set of rules to follow; it's about aligning our lives with God's will for our sanctification. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, Paul writes, "For this is God's will, your sanctification: that you keep away from sexual immorality, that each of you knows how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not with lustful passions like the Gentiles who don't know God."

Why is this important? Because living a life of sexual purity is a testament to our relationship with God. It shows that we know Him and love Him. It's also a way to protect ourselves and others from the destructive consequences of sexual sin.

The Means to Achieve Sexual Purity

So, how do we achieve sexual purity in a world that constantly tempts us? The key lies in self-control, a fruit of the Spirit that God has already given us. Here are some practical steps to help you develop self-control and live a life of sexual purity:

  1. Know God Personally: The first step is to have a real relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If you don't know God, it's impossible to live a life that pleases Him. But when you accept Jesus as your Savior, the Holy Spirit comes into your life and empowers you to overcome temptation.

  2. Practice Self-Control Daily: Self-control isn't something that happens overnight. It's a daily practice. Just like the children in the marshmallow experiment who learned to wait for a greater reward, you can learn to control your impulses by relying on God's strength.

  3. Flee from Temptation: The Bible tells us to flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). This means avoiding situations where you know you'll be tempted. Whether it's certain websites, social media, or even specific relationships, take proactive steps to protect yourself.

  4. Seek Accountability: Find a trusted friend or mentor who can hold you accountable. Sometimes, just knowing that someone else is aware of your struggles can make a big difference.

Why Should You Care?

You might be wondering, "What's in it for me?" Living a life of sexual purity isn't just about following rules; it's about experiencing the fullness of life that God intends for you. When you align your life with God's will, you experience peace, joy, and freedom from the shame and regret that often accompany sexual sin.

Taking the Next Step

So, what can you do this week to start living a life of sexual purity? Here are some concrete steps:

  • Spend Time in Prayer and Bible Study: Make it a priority to spend time with God each day. Ask Him to help you develop self-control and to show you areas where you need to make changes.
  • Set Boundaries: Identify areas in your life where you're most tempted and set clear boundaries. This might mean limiting your screen time, avoiding certain places, or ending unhealthy relationships.
  • Join a Small Group: Surround yourself with other believers who can support and encourage you. A small group can provide the accountability and community you need to stay strong.


The point is, Jesus wants your whole heart. What will you do this week to give it to Him? Remember, living a life of sexual purity is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about making daily choices that honor God and reflect His love to the world around you.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love and for calling us to live in holiness. Help us to develop self-control and to flee from sexual immorality. Give us the strength to make choices that honor You and reflect Your love to those around us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Posted by David Hopkins with