2025-01-12 Who's Your One?
Who's Your One? Discovering the Power of Personal Evangelism
You might be wondering how you can make a real difference in the lives of those around you. If you've ever felt the nudge to share your faith but didn't know where to start, you're not alone. Many of us struggle with the idea of evangelism, thinking it's reserved for pastors or missionaries. But what if I told you that you already know someone who needs Jesus? That's right—everyone knows someone who needs the hope and love that only Jesus can provide.
In our recent sermon, we explored the story of Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, who found his "one" and brought him to Jesus. Andrew's simple act of introducing his brother to Christ changed the course of history. This story reminds us that evangelism isn't about having all the answers; it's about pointing others to the One who does. So, who is your "one"? Who in your life needs to hear about Jesus, and how can you be the bridge that connects them to Him?
The Power of a Simple Invitation
The main point of our sermon was clear: everyone knows someone who needs Jesus, and you can be the one to introduce them. We saw how John the Baptist pointed his disciples to Jesus, how Andrew brought his brother Simon, and how Philip invited Nathanael to "come and see." These simple invitations had profound impacts, and they can in your life too.
You don't need to be a theologian to share your faith. Start with a simple invitation. Invite someone to church, share your testimony, or just have a conversation about what Jesus means to you. Remember, Jesus is already at work in their lives, preparing their hearts for the message you have to share.
Taking the Next Step
So, what can you do this week to make a difference? Start by identifying your "one"—that person in your life who needs Jesus. Commit to praying for them daily. Ask God to give you opportunities to share your faith and the courage to take them. You might be surprised at how God uses your willingness to step out in faith.
Our memory verse for the week is John 1:41-42: "He first found his own brother Simon and told him, 'We have found the Messiah' (which is translated 'the Christ'), and he brought Simon to Jesus." Let this verse remind you of the power of a simple invitation and the impact it can have.
The point is, Jesus wants to use you to reach others. What will you do this week to be a light in someone's life? If you don't take this step, you might miss out on the incredible joy of seeing someone come to faith. So, be bold, be intentional, and trust that God is already at work.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your mission. Help us to see the people in our lives who need you and give us the courage to share your love with them. May we be bold in our invitations and trust that you are already at work in their hearts. Amen.