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Title: Living in the Light: Embracing Spiritual Growth Together

You might wonder why spiritual growth is so important. Why should you care about growing in your faith? The truth is, your spiritual journey is not just about you; it's about how you can impact others and live a life that reflects Jesus. In our recent sermon, we explored the parallels between physical fitness and spiritual growth, and how both require intentionality, consistency, and community. Let's dive into how you can take concrete steps to grow in your faith and help others do the same.

The Main Point: Commit to Spiritual Growth Together

The main point of the sermon is clear: We are called to be committed to one another's spiritual growth by helping each other grow in Jesus as we wait for His return. This commitment involves remembering that Jesus' return is sure and sudden, resisting complacency, resting in the finished work of Christ, and realizing that salvation is just the beginning of our relationship with Him.

Remember That Jesus' Return is Sure and Sudden

You need to understand that Jesus' return is not a distant possibility; it's a certainty. The Bible tells us that His return will be like a thief in the night—unexpected and sudden. This should motivate you to live a life that is always ready for His return. Are you living in a way that reflects this urgency?

Resist the Urge to Live in Complacency

It's easy to become spiritually lazy, especially when life gets busy. But Paul reminds us that we are children of the light, not of the darkness. This means we should be awake, self-controlled, and actively growing in our faith. Are you complacent in your spiritual life? If so, it's time to wake up and take action.

Rest in the Finished Work of Christ

One of the most freeing truths of the gospel is that Jesus has already won the victory. You don't have to strive for salvation; you work from it. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross means that you are not appointed to wrath but to obtain salvation. Are you resting in this truth, or are you still trying to earn God's favor?

Realize That Salvation is Just the Beginning

Salvation is not the end goal; it's the starting point of a lifelong journey with Jesus. Paul encourages us to build each other up and to be committed to one another's spiritual growth. Are you investing in the spiritual growth of those around you? Are you allowing others to invest in you?

Action Steps to Take

  1. Be Intentional: Set aside time each day for prayer and Bible study. Make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.
  2. Join a Community: Get involved in a small group or Bible study where you can encourage and be encouraged by others.
  3. Serve Others: Look for opportunities to serve in your church or community. Serving others helps you grow and keeps you focused on Jesus.
  4. Share Your Faith: Don't keep the good news to yourself. Share it with your friends, family, and coworkers.


The point is, Jesus wants your whole heart. What will you do this week to give it to Him? Will you commit to growing in your faith and helping others do the same? Remember, your outlook determines your outcome. If you focus on Jesus and His mission, you'll find purpose and joy in your spiritual journey.


Lord, thank You for the gift of salvation and the promise of Your return. Help us to live with urgency, resisting complacency and resting in Your finished work. Guide us to invest in the spiritual growth of others and to be open to their investment in us. May our lives reflect Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Posted by David Hopkins with