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Title: Serving Like Jesus: The Heart of a Deacon

You might wonder why the role of a deacon is so crucial in the church. Or perhaps you’ve asked yourself, "How can I serve my church in a way that truly honors God?" Today, we’re diving into the heart of what it means to serve as a deacon, inspired by a recent sermon on 1 Thessalonians 2. Whether you’re a deacon, aspiring to be one, or simply looking to deepen your service to God, this message is for you.

The Heart of Service: Glorifying God

The main point of the sermon is clear: True service in the church is about glorifying God, not ourselves. Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 2:1-6 remind us that our service should be God-centered. Paul and his team served the Thessalonians not for personal gain or recognition but to honor God. They faced opposition and hardship, yet their focus remained on glorifying God through their actions.

Why is this important for you? Because when your service is rooted in glorifying God, it transforms not only your life but also the lives of those around you. It shifts the focus from self-promotion to God-promotion, creating a ripple effect of genuine, Christ-like love and service within the church.

The Substance of Service: The Gospel

Paul’s ministry was not just about preaching; it was about living out the gospel. In 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, Paul describes his gentle, nurturing approach, likening it to a nursing mother caring for her children. This imagery underscores the importance of sharing not just the message of the gospel but also our lives with others.

What does this mean for you? It means that your service should be deeply rooted in the gospel. The good news of Jesus Christ should inform and transform every aspect of your life. When you serve others, you’re not just meeting their physical needs; you’re also sharing the love and truth of Jesus with them.

The Context of Service: Relationships

Paul and his team didn’t just preach and leave; they lived among the Thessalonians, building deep, meaningful relationships. In 1 Thessalonians 2:8-12, Paul emphasizes the importance of sharing their lives with the new believers, working night and day to support them.

Why should you care? Because real, impactful service happens in the context of relationships. God created us for community, and it’s through these relationships that we grow and help others grow in their faith. When you invest in relationships within your church, you’re creating a strong, supportive community that reflects the love of Christ.

Action Steps: How You Can Serve Like a Deacon

  1. Examine Your Motives: Reflect on why you serve. Are you seeking recognition, or are you genuinely aiming to glorify God? Ask God to purify your motives and help you serve with a heart focused on Him.

  2. Root Your Service in the Gospel: Make the gospel the foundation of your service. Share the love and truth of Jesus in every act of service, whether big or small.

  3. Invest in Relationships: Build meaningful relationships within your church. Spend time with others, listen to their needs, and support them in their walk with Christ.

  4. Lead by Example: Whether you’re a deacon or not, strive to be an example of Christ-like service. Show others what it means to serve selflessly and with a heart full of love for God and His people.


The point is clear: Jesus wants your whole heart in service. What will you do this week to give it to Him? Will you examine your motives, root your service in the gospel, invest in relationships, and lead by example? Remember, without taking these steps, you’ll miss out on the fullness of what Jesus wants for you and your church community.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of selfless service that Jesus set for us. Help us to serve with hearts that seek to glorify You above all else. Root our service in the gospel and guide us to build meaningful relationships within our church. May our actions reflect Your love and truth, and may we lead others to do the same. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Posted by David Hopkins with