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2024-07-28 One Minute After You Die - Questions & Answers

Title: What Happens One Minute After You Die? - Questions & Answers

Have you ever wondered what happens one minute after you die? It's a question that can be both frightening and hopeful. In our recent sermon series, we explored this profound topic, and today, I want to address some of the most pressing questions you might have about life after death.

What Happens to Babies When They Die?

You might be wondering, "What happens to babies when they die?" It's a question that weighs heavily on many hearts. While the Bible doesn't provide a single verse that explicitly states the fate of babies, there are strong indications that God's mercy covers them. Jesus' love for children is evident throughout the Scriptures. In Matthew 18:2-4, Jesus calls a child to stand among them and says, "Unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." This shows God's special place for children in His heart.

Will We Become Angels When We Die?

Another common question is, "Will we become angels when we die?" The answer is no. Angels are distinct, created beings with different roles and responsibilities. We, as humans, are created in God's image and have a unique relationship with Him. When we die, we don't transform into angels; instead, we become perfected in the image of Jesus Christ.

Will My Pet Be in Heaven?

For many of us, our pets are like family. So, it's natural to ask, "Will my pet be in heaven?" While the Bible doesn't explicitly say that our pets will be in heaven, it does indicate that there will be animals in the new creation (Isaiah 11). God, in His infinite love and generosity, may very well recreate our beloved pets to bring us joy in eternity.

Will Our Abilities Be Restored in Heaven?

You might also wonder, "Will a person's mental and physical abilities be restored in heaven?" The answer is a resounding yes. Revelation 21:5 says, "Behold, I am making all things new." This includes the restoration of our bodies and minds. Those who have suffered from physical or mental disabilities will be fully restored, free from the curse of sin.

What About Cremation?

If you're concerned about cremation, rest assured that it doesn't affect your soul's journey to heaven. 2 Corinthians 5:8 tells us, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." Whether you're buried or cremated, your soul will be with God, and He will restore your body in the new creation.

Will We Be Married in Heaven?

Marriage is another topic that raises questions. Jesus addressed this in Matthew 22:30, saying, "In the resurrection, they neither marry nor are given in marriage." While we won't be married in heaven, we will have a deeper, more intimate relationship with our loved ones and with God.


The main point of this sermon series is that God's love and mercy extend beyond our earthly lives. He has a plan for us, and we can trust Him with our future. So, what will you do this week to deepen your relationship with Jesus? Will you trust Him with your questions and uncertainties?


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love and mercy. Help us to trust You with our questions about life after death. Strengthen our faith and draw us closer to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Posted by David Hopkins with